ChatGPT & Generative AI — Machine Intelligence is the Last Invention that Humanity will Ever have to Make

Gerard Rotonda III
2 min readJan 23, 2023

by Gerard Rotonda

AI and machine learning Gerard Rotonda

As 2022 was crypto, blockchain and the metaverse, then 2023 is all about ChatGPT and Generative AI. By 2050, we will have achieved Human Level Machine Intelligence. ChatGPT is changing businesses and the way we work and communicate. You only need to go to OpenAI’s website to unlock the power of ChatGPT. ChatGPT will fundamentally change how we create content. The ethics will be challenging as industries will be over hailed and or virtually eliminated due this tech. It’s been out there awhile but this open AI app is gaining significant traction fast. See the attached article by McKinsey (1/19/23)

“ChatGPT is based on machine learning, which is a type of artificial intelligence. Through machine learning, practitioners develop artificial intelligence through models that can “learn” from data patterns without human direction”. Try using the links below and log in and familiarize yourself with asking it to write a report, answer a question, and it will also cite references and interact amazingly well.

“Artificial intelligence is getting smarter by leaps and bounds — within this century, research suggests, a computer AI could be as “smart” as a human being. And then, says Nick Bostrom, it will overtake us: “Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make.” Watch this excellent TED Talk on Machine Super Intelligence. What happens when AI is smarter than a human being. We need to create AI that will learn our values that we approve of. Gerard Rotonda



Gerard Rotonda III

Gerard Rotonda, Board of Directors Digihost Technology Inc. (DGHI), CFO Deutsche Bank (DB), CEO GoGoMeds