
Gerard Rotonda - Vision, Strategy and Tactics

The U.S. will enter a recession in early 2023, as inflation hit 8.3% in April (a 40 year high). Never before has The Fed unwind it’s $9 Trillion balance sheet, Quantitative Tightening “QT” will tighten credit in the U.S. The Fed will reduce its balance sheet by $3 Trillion. As Jamie Dimon stated, “Brace Yourself”, economic “Hurricane” coming as a result of the hawkish Fed, rising inflation and Russia increased price of food and oil. The words from one of the smartest CEO’s in the world should have us all factoring this into our current strategic plans and impacts our tactics and allocation of resources so that we can stay in control and avoid a hard landing. Gerard Rotonda

CFO Deutsche Bank — emeritus
CFO Deutsche Bank — emeritus



Gerard Rotonda III

Gerard Rotonda, Board of Directors Digihost Technology Inc. (DGHI), CFO Deutsche Bank (DB), CEO GoGoMeds